Description Given the absence of financial + credit data when it comes to unbanked Egyptian individuals & companies, alternative data sources need to be adopted. These data sources can be found online for free (social media activity) or can be accessed through authorization from third parties such as telecom operators, utility service providers or real estate agencies. For this hackathon, a natural language processing model will scrape data on Egyptian millenials selected at random from Facebook & will input these relevant data points – where applicable – into a credit scoring engine tailored for the Egyptian market. This solution will showcase the ability to collect – to a certain extent – enough user information online to be used in a credit scoring model; thus ensuring a certain percent of the unbanked population becomes “visible” for banks aiming to establish a financial relationship with them. In future iterations of the solution, these scraped data points will be complimented with further data from third-party providers (e.g. telco. bills, history of rent payments, etc.) in order to create Egypt’s and, more broadly, the MENA’s credit scoring engine of the future.

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