David Linsey Team
JiPay's founding mission is to bring domestic work into the cashless economy.
We are launching with the JiPay Expense Card: the first dedicated card for helpers to make purchases on behalf of their employers. The expense card will be used by helpers to make household purchases for their employers. The card’s spending limit is controlled via an app on the employer’s phone, and live spending analytics can be viewed in-app.
We will be following the Expense Card with JiPay Payroll, which will allow employers to pay salaries onto a card issued in their helper's name, and employees to remit money home to cash pickup points on the same app.
JiPay will save employers up to 5 hours per month, which they currently spend on trips to the ATM and on manually reconciling receipts at home. For domestic workers, our product provides access to crucial financial services including low-cost remittances and an accessible way to store wealth.
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