Smarter Lending Team
Description My Idea is an Online Platform that enable Consumers and MSMEs to enquire , apply and access Credit Finance Digitally Either from Formal Lenders (Banks) or from other Alternative Sources of Lending, so through our backend algorithm and alternative Credit scoring that we have developed , customer applications will be Filtered and Matched with the Best Lending Option/s or provider/s that have bigger probability in Providing the required credit finance with Better terms , Longer Tenor and Cheaper rates and Customer will be able to get Finance Needed Digitally. Also we Have Developed Robo Advisors which will enable any customer to get basic to complex financial and banking Literacy in a very easy simple way that will let them know about best practices for saving , Borrowing , Credit Types and managing money or even investing with available options in the market, while giving the option for the customer to apply directly and get the financial service or product in a fully digitized process through our chatbots, helping customers have easier quicker access to credit finance and to make better informed financial decisions and to utilize financial services to their best

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  • Increase the data quality of the statistics functions
  • Use information for tailored advertising with third parties
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