Ghassan Muasher Team
Description Our team includes Ahli Fintech CEO, Rami Al-Karmi, head of Ahli Labs, Hamzeh Mohtaseb, and head of Fintech Programs, Ghassan Muasher. This team comes with a uniquely diverse skill-set and over 50 years of combined work experiences across borders, across industries, at different stages of maturity/growth from startups to Fortune 500 global market leaders. The team has vast experience in 5th generation technologies, and regulatory and legal requirements relating to KYCs, and data privacy and protection standards, particularly as they relate to the financial service sector. They have led the design, development and launch of the first AI and blockchain-based eKYC-as-a-Service platform in the region, Meen World, and the AnaMeen verified digital identity mobile application which leverages Deep Learning and AI technologies to verify and authenticate government-issued identification documents, as well as advanced Machine Learning and Augmented Intelligence technology for one of the world's most accurate and advanced facial recognition technologies ( Entities, including financial institutions, who subscribe to the Meen.World eKYC-as-a-Service platform will be able to request access to the KYC profiles of AnaMeen users via their dedicated Meen.World portal and/or via API integrations with their own systems. The AnaMeen users will be able to grant or reject access to their data, and will retain full control over which entities can access their data. The launched service currently supports only Jordanian government-issued national ID cards, however, and for this hackathon, we have the ability to develop the solution to enable verification and authentication of a wide range of different types of government-issued ID documents, covering 107 countries around the world, particularly ICAO-compliant ID documents and Passports, including full coverage of the Middle Eastern countries, Europe, North America, Oceania, and a significant majority of South America and Asia, and parts of Africa. Team LinkedIn Profiles: Rami Al Karmi: Hamzeh Mohtaseb: Ghassan Muasher:

Team Members
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