Team Signzy
Description Digital lending and financial literacy is something that is seen across the globe. Challenges in these has always been in the prominent spotlight in terms of business and governments scaling its operations. Lengthy application processes in digital lending is contributed by manual forms and processes and the COVID-19 situation has brought on a slump in the business continuity situation where sales reps or support individuals cannot reach out to their potential end-user to enable the process. At Signzy, we have developed assisted onboarding process and risk solutions which reduce the cost of onboarding by 80% by making it truly-digital. 2G internet connectivity can be leveraged to use this onboarding. If the end-users are not equipped with smartphones or technology, institutions can setup kiosks where self or assisted onboarding can take place. Verification to speeden loan processes and other process including document collection etc can be eliminated using simple steps of internal government or private verification services which fastens onboarding by 3x. One of our core product offerings is digital investor onboarding for investment banks and brokers. It uses video-KYC and advanced AI to automate the end-to-end onboarding process, bringing down the onboarding time from 3 days to merely 10 minutes. One of our large investment bank customer ensured business continuity during the COVID-19 crisis with our zero-contact, paperless KYC and was able to onboard 50,000 new investors in 3 months. This surge in their onboarding volumes accounted for 97% of the total transactions they carried out during this period.

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