Description suggests the development of a “loyalty savings program” to be embedded within Banque Saudi Fransi’s PFM allowing the users to input their own monthly individual savings targets & to monitor their progress towards these set targets. The algorithm would then allow users that successfully meet their savings goals to benefit from offers (e.g. retail discounts, fee reductions, etc.) specifically tailored to their personal profiles. Artificial intelligence plays a key role in unearthing customers’ lifestyle preferences by analyzing their digital footprint (e.g. social media presence, e-commerce purchases, etc.). The challenge of accessing the customers’ social media profiles (e.g. Facebook) is solved by asking them to “opt-in” to the program in order to benefit from the aforementioned offers. Otherwise, their personal data online will not be accessed by the algorithm - at the expense of the perks of our program! In future iterations of the program, high-performers – when compared to their peers on the app – would benefit from higher-value offers.

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