Meryem Bensaghiri Team
Description Our solution for the SMEs payements problems is using blockchain technology which is related to finance and the transfer of money. Businesses are increasingly utilising the opportunities this presents. Accepting payments in currencies like Bitcoin is the obvious example. You can also use tools and applications to pay suppliers or remote employees in a way that is faster, more secure, and lower cost than traditional methods. This usually happens through public blockchains, which face some issues, like scalability. One major reason an SME might want to do this, is to facilitate payments, receiving and sending funds from other countries and continents, where money transfers might be taking a long time, as well as benefiting from the decentralised nature of the technology, which removes middlemen,the complete transparency,the immutable records that can’t be changed once they are created, improving the auditing process, the efficiency plus the enablement of fast transactions, the reduced costs when implemented properly and of cource the high level security available when using the encryption technology.

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