Imran Said Team
Description Z4D is a mobile app and platform that connects Zakat Payers directly with beneficiary communities. It uses Block Chain to record and trace Zakat, Sadaqah and Sadaqatul Jaaria transactions facilitating detailed and transparent 100% movement of funds from the payer/giver to the beneficiary The Z4D app and platform work just as easily as placing a request for an Uber. A Zakat Payer and Sadaqah giver downloads the app from App Store or Google Play or accesses the Z4D website, registers, uses the Z4D Zakat Calculator to determine amount to pay, creates a personalized portfolio (by either clicking find the nearest community project or browse to select the community income generating project(s) they want to support , view location (s) via google maps ,key contacts of project holders ,see what projects friends are supporting and join their cause), effect transfer via mobile money, debit or credit card, wire transfer and paypal, receive acknowledgement for monies paid and track project implementation as well as funds disbursement. Zakat Payers and Sadaqah givers will earn one Z4D value point for every payment/contribution KES 1,000(USD 100) that is redeemed in local currency for contribution to the Z4D Pedal to Hajj CSR programme.They can also view a history of their payments and giving.

Team Members
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