The Insurtech Wizard Hackathon
The Insurtech Wizard Hackathon
Posted by: Palestine Capital Market Authority Palestine


  • Dr. Bashar Abuzarour

    Dr. Bashar Abuzarour - Fintech and Innovation Director
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: Palestine Capital Market Authority

    Dr. Bashar AbuZarour has more than 16 years of professional experience in the public and private sectors; including the last 14 years in leadership roles. Currently, he acts as the general director for the Digital Financial Service and Innovation Directorate at the Palestine Capital Market Authority (PCMA) where he assumes an active role in providing policy advice and recommendations to the capital market regulator as well as leading the development maneuvers of the Authority, including FinTech innovations and alternative finance initiatives. While at PCMA, AbuZarour played a key role in leading the Authority to attain the IOSCO ordinary membership and becoming one of the MMoU signatory. Likewise, he helped the Authority to develop and launch its regulatory innovation hub (IBTAKER) which is the first of its kind in the MENA region as a regulatory innovation hub for the non-banking financial. He also championed the development of innovative professional certification programs for the financial sector. Prior to joining PCMA, AbuZarour has served as a senior auditor in a number of prestigious organizations before working as an assistant professor in the finance department of Al-Najah National University. AbuZarour has an extensive technical expertise in the following areas: Financial and Insurance Technology (FinTech and InsurTech), financial inclusion, frontier capital markets’ development, economic policy research, corporate governance, project management and economic development. Alongside, AbuZarour serves on several boards, national and regional technical committees, public-private initiatives and cross-functional teams. He is a cofounder and a board member of the Palestinian Governance Institute, the leader of the technical team of the National Corporate Governance Committee, member of the national Private Pension Committee, and most recently a leader of the nonbanking technical team of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy. Besides, AbuZarour is an active member in technical and professional societies and has produced many publications; a selection of which has been published in international finance and economics magazines. AbuZarour is a certified expert in digital finance, certified expert in financial inclusion policy, and holds a PhD in finance from the University of Patras in Greece, concentrating on capital markets and portfolio theories, and an MBA from Al-Najah National University in Palestine.
  • Mohammed Musleh

    Mohammed Musleh - Technical Lead
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Empowerment

    Mohammed is a technology professional with expertise focused on startups, digital and privacy policy, online and social advertising, and digital transformation. Mohammed currently leads the technical team at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Empowerment and advises HE the minister on issues related to the development of the Palestinian entrepreneurship ecosystem. Over the past 20 years, Mohammed has been part of several technology startups across the Middle East. As a sophomore in college, Mohammed co-founded and since then has become the largest user generated portal in the Middle East. Few years later, Mohammed was part of a three-person team that was the core for the Middle East's entertainment portal Mohammed is currently an adviser for several fast growth technology startups. Mohammed is a believer in public service. Mohammed is involved in many local and regional IT initiatives such as Peeks, the Arab Thought Foundation, and StartMeUp Palestine. Mohammed holds a BSc in Management Information Systems from Brigham Young University’s Marriott School and a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School.
  • Muzaffar Mansour

    Muzaffar Mansour - Software & System Manager / Acting Risk Manager
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: Palestine Insurance Federation

    Currently working as a software and systems manager in addition to the acting risk manager. I hold a master's degree in engineering management from An-Najah University and holds many specialized certificates in IT. 13 years of experience (full stack developer) in building insurance systems such as the health insurance system and the health insurance services management portal TPA and building applications for smart phones in addition to developing and enhancing other insurance system.
  • Amin Qarout

    Amin Qarout - Market Discipline Manager
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: Palestine Capital Market Authority

    Mr. Amin began his career in insurance sector since 1997 in private insurance companies, where he reached the position of regional manager for one of the insurance companies' branches. In order to complete the diversification of Mr. Amin’s experience in the field of insurance, he joined the Palestinian Capital Market Authority in the year 2009 until now. He reached the position of Market Discipline Department Manager, which is responsible for supervising the implementation of the provisions of the insurance law and secondary legislation in relation to granting licenses for both insurance companies and agents and insurance-related professions. Supervising all activities of the Licensing Department, the Complaints Department, and the Market Discipline Department, including following up on the implementation of the work plan, the distribution of employees and their duties.
  • Oliver Milosch

    Oliver Milosch - Advisor - Risk Finance & Insurance
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

    Oliver Milosch is responsible for the subject area of Risk Finance & Insurance within the competence center Financial Systems Development at GIZ. He joined GIZ in September 2016 and was predominantly concerned with climate risk insurance solutions in India as well as advising the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Before working in international cooperation, Oliver Milosch has gained 10 years of professional experience in the private sector. He started his career within the Financial Services competence center of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, where he was involved in a wide range of insurance projects like Post-Merger-Integration (PMI), setting up a Shared-Service provider or optimization of distribution channels. After 7 years in the consulting industry he worked on Operations & IT as well as on digitalization topics at Allianz for 3 years. Oliver Milosch holds a diploma in Business Administration from Goethe university Frankfurt with a technical focus on finance.


  • Rabab Sabah

    Rabab Sabah - Financial Inclusion Manager
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: Palestine Capital Market Authority

    Rabab Sabbah is a certified financial inclusion policy expert who has 15 years’ experience on financial markets inclusion and capital markets supervision. Currently, she is the financial inclusion manager at Palestine Capital Market Authority, throughout her job, Sabbah became advocate for the rights of the less fortunate financially excluded segments. She embarked a huge contribution to the formulation of he financial inclusion strategy in Palestine, and is one of the team responsible for implementation. As per her current responsibilities, Mrs. Sabbah is responsible for “Ebtaker” the regulatory innovation hub in PCMA, were fintech innovations are addressed, and innovators are being regulatory guided through their innovation journey. Previously, Mrs. Sabbah played a major role in PCMA’s international relations Liaising PCMA’s efforts with external partners, and being responsible for International Communications, Project Coordination, Program Management and Development. She graduated with honors from Birzeit University with master degree in International studies, and honors from Egypt 6th of October university bachelors in economic and political science.
  • Robert  Fischle

    Robert Fischle - Advisor - Alternative Approaches to Financial Inclusion of SME’
    Theme: Theme 2: Improving the costumer experience
    Organization: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

    Robert Fischle joined Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in 2018 and is currently an advisor within the project ‘Alternative Approaches to Financial Inclusion of SME’ based in Ramallah. Before he supported the development of climate risk insurance markets and programmes in India and Madagascar as well as advising the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on insurance and financial technology related issues. Robert Fischle has a background in agricultural sciences and holds a master’s degree from Wageningen University
  • Lewis Khamashta

    Lewis Khamashta - Innovative Services &Products Surveillance Manager
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: Palestine Capital Market Authority

    Mr. Khamashta is the “innovative Services &Products Surveillance Manager” at the PCMA. He Held several important positions inside and outside the PCMA. Mr. Khamashta is considered a veteran person, as he kept pace with the different stages of development of the insurance industry in Palestine which earned him a rich experience, as well as the ability to contribute to the formulation of the future insurance policies in Palestine.
  • Shurouq Qawariq

    Shurouq Qawariq - Fintech Business Specialist
    Theme: Theme 2: Improving the costumer experience
    Organization: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

    Shurouq Qawariq currently serves as Fintech Business Specialist at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). She has been involved in regional research about financial technology, civic spaces, cryptocurrencies, agriculture and financial economics since 2016. Shurouq is also the founder of Rumman, a platform that allows you to save and invest small amounts of money into a professionally managed portfolio of index funds, making investing accessible to all. In 2014, she cofounded, an online music platform that empowers independent artists in means of distribution, discovery and income generation. In 2013, she was one of the first employees of PinchPoint, Palestine’s first gaming studio. Shurouq holds a Bachelor’s in Human Development and Social Relations from Earlham College, Indiana, USA, Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), and an MSc. in Finance from Queen Mary University of London.
  • Amr Ghannam

    Amr Ghannam - Professional Trainer
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: E-Youth

    This is Amr Ghannam, I’m a professional trainer with 10 years of experience in the learning and development field specially entrepreneurship training and I have undertaken 3 different positions (Trainer, Coach and Mentor) with numerous well-known organizations such as - Business Trainer and mentor at IECD - Certified trainer at International Labour Organization (ILO) - Trainer and coach at EBI - Professional Trainer at Ministry of Youth - Entrepreneurship Trainer & coach at EYouth
  • Lina  El Kholy

    Lina El Kholy - Professional Trainer and Sartups Mentor
    Theme: Theme 2: Improving the costumer experience
    Organization: Freelance

    I am Lina El Kholy a professional freelance trainer and a startup mentor I've been working in the learning and development field since 2017 Starting from being a training coordinator till reaching the position of Human Capital manager As a professional trainer I work on various topics or fields such as: - Entrepreneurship - Employability skills - Soft skills and interpersonal skills - Financial inclusion As well I work for coorprates to create a TNA and training calenders to the team members in addition to the career progression consultancy My methodology always lean on the human capital theory, that's why I always work on the human development in parallel to the career development. My achievements for 2022, I reached this year: - + 170 training hours - + 80 startup mentoring hours - 3 recorded trainings on Eyouth platforms
  • Peter Megalaa

    Peter Megalaa - Mareketing Content and Partnership Supervisor
    Theme: Theme 1: Creating access to Inclusive Insurance and Insurance literacy
    Organization: Freelance

    Briefly am expert of 10 years between sales, marketing, planning and performance management in "Consumer Electronic Retail, Internet Service Provider and telecommunication Mobile Operator". Currently, I am a Product Manager “Mobile VAS” at WE commercial team, to improve products and services, I assisted to build up DCB "Direct Carrier Billing" project in WE, and I developed core value added services like call completion suite and Sallefny to be more productive and profitable. Finally, I am passionate about entrepreneurship, I conducted trainings for the last 6 years, in such field to boost up youngsters skills and increase the level of awareness with representable entities.


Team size

Registration Start Date
Sep 26, 2022

Registration End Date
Nov 20, 2022

Shortlisting Date
Nov 24, 2022

Hackathon Start Date
Dec 07, 2022

Hackathon End Date
Dec 15, 2022

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