The MINT Fintech Hackathon
The MINT Fintech Hackathon
Posted by: EGBANKEgypt


  • Team: minimum 2 and maximum 5 members
  • Individuals: individuals will be paired with each other based on their business and technical experiences
  • University graduates
  • Ages 21-35
  • 20 - 25 teams are going to be shortlisted
  • Only 8 to 10 teams will be competing for the demo day
  • Submitted ideas should tackle the main announced challenge
  • Participants shall be committed to actively participate during the hackathon preparation and implementation
  • Your solution can build upon an existing product, but you must be able to show that you’ve developed it further during the hackathon.
  • Solutions that were entirely built before the hackathon will not be considered for prizes.


  • Product market fit
  • Clear and well-defined USP
  • Innovation & creativity of the solution
  • Scalability
  • Pitching Quality
  • Sustainability and scalability of business model
  • Innovation of the & creativity of the solution
  • Technical expertise assessment
  • Team work


Team size

Registration Start Date
Jul 16, 2020

Registration End Date
Aug 20, 2020

Shortlisting Date
Aug 27, 2020

Hackathon Start Date
Aug 31, 2020

Hackathon End Date
Sep 06, 2020

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