Yalla Fintech 2020 - Arab Hackathon for Financial Inclusion by FIARI
Yalla Fintech 2020 - Arab Hackathon for Financial Inclusion by FIARI
Posted by: GIZUAE
  1. What is FINX Platform?
    FINX, by Fintech Galaxy, is the region’s leading Open Finance platform with a vision to revolutionize financial services by powering an Open Finance infrastructure that enables innovative digital solutions through an exceptional developer experience, seamless and secure integration, and a simplified API. FINX positions itself in the market by covering the end-to-end journey, from open innovation, to regulatory & technical Open Banking compliance, and production connectivity for Business, TPPs, Banks, Financial Institutions, Regulators, and Government.
  2. What is the cost of participation in the Hackathon?
    Nothing! We are trying very hard to provide you with everything you need for a great event. It is free to participate, and we offer personalized guidance/ mentorship along the way.
  3. What is the Program/Timetable?
    Please check the agenda tab. We will be adding further details before the event.
  4. Where is the Hackathon venue?
    The Hackathon is virtual, which means the venue is on the FinX22 Platform in the cloud! As a shortlisted team, you get free access to the FinX22 Sandbox Environment, where you will develop, test and deploy your solution.
  5. What kind of APIs do I have access to in the FinX22 Sandbox?
    A cloud-based open innovation environment with more than 300 APIs for testing and development, accessible to thousands of developers and fintechs. APIs cover a broad range of financial and banking activities like personal account management, payments and transactions, e-KYC and SME lending. The Sandbox comes with its own API Manager which handles access control, monitoring and authentication.
  6. If I already have a solution, do I still have to use the FinX22 Sandbox?
    It depends on the rules of the hackathon. If the sponsor accepts ready-made solutions, then you don’t have to. Most hackathons require that you build a prototype on the sandbox during the hacking period.
  7. Virtual Hackathon ! Sounds scary, I’m not a coder. Can I still participate?
    Yes, you sure can. Teams will be formed, and you can join any team depending on their idea, needs and your skills. Hackathon s require individuals with a broad range of skills: engineers, technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, students, entrepreneurs are all encouraged to join!
  8. Do I need team? What is the maximum/minimum number of team members?
    Team size varies between hackathons. Number of team members will be decided by the institution running the hackathon. Check rules page for more details.
  9. How will teams be put together?
    Register on the platform, make a few virtual friends and get going! If you're a talented individual looking for a team, you can easily connect through the listed teams per Hackathon . We encourage you to virtually meet new people and collaborate with those who may have different skillsets to bring to the table.
  10. Do all team members have to register?
    All team members must register on the WITI Hackathon site so we can be sure that we have resources to support everyone who will be participating.
  11. Who holds the intellectual property rights to the submitted ideas/ prototypes/ projects?
    It can vary from Hackathon to Hackathon. In some cases, participants retain the rights to their ideas, and in others, they are required to transfer them to the sponsoring institution. In any case, it’s essential to take a careful look at the terms & conditions of participation under the Rules section.
  12. Are there prizes?
    Yes. The winning teams will be chosen at the end of the Hackathon and will receive rewards involving either cash prizes, incubation or free cloud usage and other perks. Prize information is available on the Hackathon overview page.
  13. How are the Hackathon winners determined? What are the evaluation criteria?
    Each hackathon will have independent panel of judges appointed by the challenge sponsor. Scoring card covers technology, innovation and relevance, feasibility and presentation skills.
  14. I have more question or concerns, what should I do?
    Contact us. Don’t be shy! We are here to help and create a great experience.


Team size

Registration Start Date
Oct 08, 2020

Registration End Date
Nov 19, 2020

Shortlisting Date
Nov 26, 2020

Hackathon Start Date
Dec 08, 2020

Hackathon End Date
Dec 15, 2020

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